Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

our LasT minute ( Part III )

we  all woke up around 11:30 AM .. if  in medan its already late to do anything :p but its our holiday , so up to us to woke up what time .. >< after turns take a bath .. we looking for our lunch .. but did you know that .. this is singapore .. the food its not nice .. i miss medan food >< .. we walk the chinatown street .. then we entered the building seems like pasar rame >< than we go to the second floor .. we choose .. then the problem is sandi can't eat that food .. so , she decided to eat vegetarian food .. and i choose what we said yah .. hainam rice .. haha .. i choose hainam rice .. its not nice like medan food but its oke laa .. and i drink soya milk ><

after we finished our lunch , we wait yuliany .. than we go together to universal .. to wait universal bus .. we must walk so long so long .. its so tired .. but its so fun :p .. finally we entered the bus .. haha .. yuliany tell us , if we drink in the bus we will in fines  $ 50 .. ><

now , we all arrived to UNIVERSAL STUDIO .. 

we are so fun play in universal studio ..for the first , we try .. Hmm .. i forget the name but its so scared .. i think i will dead if i try it for the second time >< 
we wait it for 1 hour but we only play for 15 minute >< haha .. same like dufan in jakarta .. but all in universal game is more great , wonderfull ..  
we play about 5 or 6 games there .. we can't play all the game because there so many people come there .. haha .. after play we take a picture with movie character .. and take our picture .. its so fun .. 
this all our picture ;;)

we take a picture until 8:00 PM .. as i recall (seingat ) we must 8:00 Pm back because , free bus at that time >< we can use bus without paying so we must go back to our hotel at 8:00 PM ..I am not satisfied you know .. :(  even we already play about 9 hour . but i still not satisfied .. so many charater i have not take the picture .. then , after we go home, we find food near china town .. did you know that this is the last night we at china town >< i miss it .. after we all take our dinner .. we take a walk to look at china town >< i find so many gift .. its beautiful but so expensive :(  after look around i decided to choose T-shirt write I LOVE SG .. i bought 7 T-shirt >< than i bought keychains (gantungan kunci ) write singapore too >< 
sandi and varen bought T-shirt too .. write i love sG ><  christine and marcella didn't buy anything .. =="

after we are satisfied to see accessories , sovernir ,etc .. we decided to go back to our hotel .. thats LULU HOTEL >< i love it .. but suddenly sandi said that she want to buy French fries in MCd .. so we company her to bought it .. after that we go to hotel than sleep ..
hoams . night >< 

come on ~ next page ><

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