Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Our LasT Minute (Part II )

when we wait the train :D

well , in the morning we arrived in SG .. we can't believe it .. we arrived . yipiie .. haha .. even , we can't sleep well .. haha .. now , when we arrived and we must find yuliany , we buy SG sim card , then we call yuliany , she said she already book our hotel .. we wait her , but she not come .. than we call again , she said that she go to doctor to check up .. oh my godness ,, we wait so long .. until we can't wait . we walk on our
own and i don't know why we already in china town .. we try to find hotel but its so hard  ..  varen and christine cry and angry because yuliany make we wait so long ,, when we are so thirty , marcella go to mini market to buy drink for us , yah i know the drink is not expensive but it is worth for us , marcella SG money is so slightly(sedikit) . but she is willing to buy a drink for us :) (thx marcella :*) after that  marcella and me decided to find hotel .. and we got it .. LULU hotel .. you must try this hotel haha .. its not bad .. wkwk ..
so it's us in lulu hotel ..

we unloading our luggage , we turns to take a bath .. haha ..suddenly yuliany called , she said that se already in mcd near our hotel , she ask us to pick her , so christine , varen , and marcella go .. i and sandi at hotel .. 
than I forget what the incident  make sandi walk down to the hotel lobby .. but she come back again so quick by running . when i ask her , she said that she look the picture near the ladder (tangga ) . she so afraid , the women face at the picture is so horrible (mengerikan) .. than i try to look at the picture , yah .. i run same with sandi .. its so horrible .. ><

than several hours later , yuliany come and cry .. and i don't know why .. she tell us about her problem in SG .. in fact we want to scold her , but she cry and we pity look her like that ,.. so we forgive her .. haha 

so , her father and her auty invited to marinabe .. so , lets go .. we go there .. haha ..

yah , in marinabe we take a picture .. this all our picture :) 

we are here until night , when yuliany call us to go home , we look at the sea .. wow .. have water attraction there .. so we cancel to go home , we stay here to look the atraction ..  until we finnished look the attraction we go to china town to have a dinner .. after that we go home to sleep because tommorow we will go to ..
guess ? what ? "UNIVERSAL" yeahh ...

to be continue to next page ><

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