Jumat, 27 Juli 2012


Hello bloggers !! long time no see yaa .. 
I just wanna shared about my sadness to you .
She's gone and will never come back again .
My Grandma gone and i still can not believe it until today .
Although I'm not so close to her but I realized after her death I was very love her .I miss when she was angry with me . even sometimes i hate her . i hate her habit but i really love her .
I know when she was angry with me she is healty . 
When she did not scold people, I knew something was wrong with her . Maybe she is sick or something else And we are so worried about it .

My grandmother so saving and stingy 
I do not blame her. because she was ever poor. she had not anything.
She must keep the eleven children with his own energy .
She's super power woman I have ever met .

I remember last month she celebrated her birthday and all the family get together and really complete .
I do not know this is a sign or anything but oddly enough my aunt from jakarta have never attended a Birthday. but this time came . and she is so happy . I remember the look on his face when my aunt gave gifts.
She cried and my aunt cried also . 
That's a last memory with her .

We Miss You 
I hope you have a quiet place there and be happy .
Our heart will always with you .

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

My Amazing Surprice at 18th :)

Today i want to share about my amazing best friends and amazing birthday i ever had >< , its about two months ago .. haha .. i know guys u will said that oLd story and  why newly written now . haha .. because i'm too busy babe .. so , i will share it today guys .. this is amazing for me and i think all of you can feel it too :)

i think my birthday will be the worst birthday i ever had .. because no signs my friend will said happy birthday ,, even my best friend too :( i know this is simple word ,, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" but its means for me :) so , this is my birthday at "25 FEB" in the morning i came to my work like ussual , my coworkers ( teman kerja ) said happy birthday .. i'm just said thank youu :) but in my mind why my best friend don't said it . why new people who are known said it ? why ? why ? why ? haha .. at the night i came to medan fair , and i see LISNA and ERNI there ..  did you know guys ,, who said the first happy birthday , its erni , lisna only smile and said oh iyahh ,, happy birthday yaa ,, she forgot my birthday .. my bestfriend forget my birthdayy ,,, aaa ,,, 
its feel like wanna jump to a deep river .. bahahaha 

 nah ,, My happiness begins , my mom bought me Blackberry 9810 ( jeannings ) .. i want since 3 month ago .. i got it ~ thanks mommy ,, love you mum :) 
than , when i go home and want to sleep .. they come .. my lovely 3U came and give me surpricee ..

its seems like i want cry .. i really don't know their plan for me .. love youu guyss .. love youu :*

love MY 3U besties very muchh .. :*
love both of  you so much ,, no word can express my feeling ..
haha .. :*

NEXT DAY .. the amazing surprice too from my crazy BESTIES ..
and i LOve it so MucH .. 
ReaLLY :* 

 when i go home , i looked to the box of cups cake .. i asked my little sister .. who cups cake its is .. my sister said that opened it if you want to know .. so , i opened it and i want to cry look at that box ..
wow ,, sandi and varen give me surprice ,, even they don't come to my house to give it ,, but ,, i love it so much ,,, its so meaning for me ..
they give me that amazing book and best pic i ever had

this is the cake

sandi's book


and thats all about my birthday 18th .. i love it so muchh .. wkwk 

meaningFull :*

In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, for in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.  ~Kahlil Gibran

ouR LasT minute ( iv)

well .. this morning we must back to KL .. 8 days stay .. our holiday will be continue in KL .. we already to find tiked to KL .. we use BUs now .. not train .. i hate train .. its so noisy and i can't sleep well .. huhu .. we buy the ticket .. its $40 ( rp 280.000) /person it's not too expensive laa .. haha .. as usual , we always must wait until 10.00 PM .. the bus road 10.00 PM .. we decide to walk around the china town for second time .. that we don't forget to buy drink ,, we must have it .. because our journey is almost 8 hours ><  ..
before we alk around we check out from the hotel .. than we We left a copper at the hotel .. we said to the owner we will back to take it at night .. so when we walk around it's not heavy ><

at 10:30 PM we take the copper and wait the bus .. a few minutes later we decided to pee .. because this trip so long , we afraid that we can't find toilet .. so we alternating turns to go to toilet .. for the first . i'm with marcella .. we entered the building .. its seems like where the selling of  food this morning .. so , we use excalator .. than we walk .. but its already deserted .. i said to marcella .. "mar , Do not go again .. quiet here .."
mar said :  no problem , we quickly find the toilet and then go .. so, we walk than we find a stranger man .. we ask him where the toilet ,, but use mandarin >< you know la .. marcella can mandarin so well .. 
the stranger man indicate the direction of the toilet .. but i look the way .. that's discotheque (diskotik) the prostitute (pelacur ) come out , .. so , marcella said ... we must back .. back .. did you know that , when the incident took place , I shudder chilling .. i'm so afraid :( marcella also .. so we cancel our mission to pee .. ><

when i back , i saw only christine there ,, so , where sandi and varen ? christine said that they go to toilet too .. oh may god .. they will seen what i see with marcella .. 

see ? yah ,, see what i see with marcella .,. but they but they still pee .. haha .. but they said that , they look the prostitute , still young .. so pity , they must sell their self to  survive ><

a several later , our bus come ,, yeahh .. welcome to KL >< ..

after we arrived to KL .. yah yah .. we go directly to GENTING .. we also use bus .. haha .. i forgot how much so i can't tell you >< bahaha .. after we arrived to genting , directly to the room we had booked . but , you know la , at genting cek in is so long >< ..  at 1:00 PM we got our room >< .. so we go to the room than wow .. i jumpt to my bed aw aw ..
at the night we walk around , find our dinner and talk about our experiance in SG .. so fuN ,,
the next day we play at genting out door ,, so fun .. 
after 2 days we back to KL , we go to bukit bintang and find hotel its is Rae hoteL ..
then we go to shopping yeahh .. 

and i just want to tell you guys ,, this is the amazing holiday i ever had ,, love you guys :*

"Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things."  

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

our LasT minute ( Part III )

we  all woke up around 11:30 AM .. if  in medan its already late to do anything :p but its our holiday , so up to us to woke up what time .. >< after turns take a bath .. we looking for our lunch .. but did you know that .. this is singapore .. the food its not nice .. i miss medan food >< .. we walk the chinatown street .. then we entered the building seems like pasar rame >< than we go to the second floor .. we choose .. then the problem is sandi can't eat that food .. so , she decided to eat vegetarian food .. and i choose what we said yah .. hainam rice .. haha .. i choose hainam rice .. its not nice like medan food but its oke laa .. and i drink soya milk ><

after we finished our lunch , we wait yuliany .. than we go together to universal .. to wait universal bus .. we must walk so long so long .. its so tired .. but its so fun :p .. finally we entered the bus .. haha .. yuliany tell us , if we drink in the bus we will in fines  $ 50 .. ><

now , we all arrived to UNIVERSAL STUDIO .. 

we are so fun play in universal studio ..for the first , we try .. Hmm .. i forget the name but its so scared .. i think i will dead if i try it for the second time >< 
we wait it for 1 hour but we only play for 15 minute >< haha .. same like dufan in jakarta .. but all in universal game is more great , wonderfull ..  
we play about 5 or 6 games there .. we can't play all the game because there so many people come there .. haha .. after play we take a picture with movie character .. and take our picture .. its so fun .. 
this all our picture ;;)

we take a picture until 8:00 PM .. as i recall (seingat ) we must 8:00 Pm back because , free bus at that time >< we can use bus without paying so we must go back to our hotel at 8:00 PM ..I am not satisfied you know .. :(  even we already play about 9 hour . but i still not satisfied .. so many charater i have not take the picture .. then , after we go home, we find food near china town .. did you know that this is the last night we at china town >< i miss it .. after we all take our dinner .. we take a walk to look at china town >< i find so many gift .. its beautiful but so expensive :(  after look around i decided to choose T-shirt write I LOVE SG .. i bought 7 T-shirt >< than i bought keychains (gantungan kunci ) write singapore too >< 
sandi and varen bought T-shirt too .. write i love sG ><  christine and marcella didn't buy anything .. =="

after we are satisfied to see accessories , sovernir ,etc .. we decided to go back to our hotel .. thats LULU HOTEL >< i love it .. but suddenly sandi said that she want to buy French fries in MCd .. so we company her to bought it .. after that we go to hotel than sleep ..
hoams . night >< 

come on ~ next page ><

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Our LasT Minute (Part II )

when we wait the train :D

well , in the morning we arrived in SG .. we can't believe it .. we arrived . yipiie .. haha .. even , we can't sleep well .. haha .. now , when we arrived and we must find yuliany , we buy SG sim card , then we call yuliany , she said she already book our hotel .. we wait her , but she not come .. than we call again , she said that she go to doctor to check up .. oh my godness ,, we wait so long .. until we can't wait . we walk on our
own and i don't know why we already in china town .. we try to find hotel but its so hard  ..  varen and christine cry and angry because yuliany make we wait so long ,, when we are so thirty , marcella go to mini market to buy drink for us , yah i know the drink is not expensive but it is worth for us , marcella SG money is so slightly(sedikit) . but she is willing to buy a drink for us :) (thx marcella :*) after that  marcella and me decided to find hotel .. and we got it .. LULU hotel .. you must try this hotel haha .. its not bad .. wkwk ..
so it's us in lulu hotel ..

we unloading our luggage , we turns to take a bath .. haha ..suddenly yuliany called , she said that se already in mcd near our hotel , she ask us to pick her , so christine , varen , and marcella go .. i and sandi at hotel .. 
than I forget what the incident  make sandi walk down to the hotel lobby .. but she come back again so quick by running . when i ask her , she said that she look the picture near the ladder (tangga ) . she so afraid , the women face at the picture is so horrible (mengerikan) .. than i try to look at the picture , yah .. i run same with sandi .. its so horrible .. ><

than several hours later , yuliany come and cry .. and i don't know why .. she tell us about her problem in SG .. in fact we want to scold her , but she cry and we pity look her like that ,.. so we forgive her .. haha 

so , her father and her auty invited to marinabe .. so , lets go .. we go there .. haha ..

yah , in marinabe we take a picture .. this all our picture :) 

we are here until night , when yuliany call us to go home , we look at the sea .. wow .. have water attraction there .. so we cancel to go home , we stay here to look the atraction ..  until we finnished look the attraction we go to china town to have a dinner .. after that we go home to sleep because tommorow we will go to ..
guess ? what ? "UNIVERSAL" yeahh ...

to be continue to next page ><

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012


well , this story is my experience with all my besties :D
before i start to write about our story , i will introduce them .. 
start from : 
when she at airport :D that's out tickets :D
well , her name is SANDI , but we always call her "sanpao" , "Sandaiii" , and the last is "TU BAK" . You must be confused what is "TU BAK", "TU BAK" means pork . because she is muslim so , she can't eat that meat .. haha .. so , they called her like that . i think she will angry if we call her like that, but she didn't angry .
ya .. she was the most crazy girl in the world .. haha
she's a funny, good, gokil and so kind to us ..
sometimes we can quarrel but its not to long because i still believe we are best friend forever :D
i forget who the first invites us to this holiday ..
but i remember that she always persuade (membujuk) me to join this trip .. i will never regreted .. i love it .. so, thx besties :*

when she at china town street
     Next , her name is MARCELLA , but we always call her amiao, she simple girl, smooth (polos) , looks like don't care about anything but in the fact she care about us :D she like mandarin so much , she have mandarin course every day .. 365 days .. haha .. sometimes when we want to hangout together , she can't .. but sometimes she absent for us :D  I think she loves us like a loving Mandarin . haha .. thx besties :D 
in fact she could not go on this trip , because she have test to entered the best university in taiwan .. so , she must go to jakarta to have that test ,, but because she want to join this trip,  she carry on ( mengusahakan) . then, yah ,, she with us in KL and SG :D

when she at genting (KL)

     Next , her name is varencia , but we always call her BEBE , she is a woman who always focus with her mind . sometimes when we talk with her isn't connect .. its terrible ==" but , she is my besties . haha
she has a bad habit that is not on time , i hate its so much . haha but i remember when i have badminton match , she is the first people who give me spirit , she said that you can do it , thx besties :D because her i can do the best :D

when she at marinabe (SG)

Next , her name is christine , but we always call her "Thik ge" , she is temperamental , sensitive , but she solidarity . she is my besties too .. even we ever quarrel .. but  we always can be friend again . she can cook , no calculation but sometimes i hate her tempramen . she can badmood so quick than happy again  .. sometimes i don't why she can badmood but she is she . haha .. sometimes when i have problem i can sharing with her too ,, she also like that .. i ever sit beside her 1 year when i in senior high school . when i have mathematic test she help me too .. so thx besties :D 

when she at universal studio :D
NexT , her name is Yuliany , but we always call her " KE CIK" , because she so cute , haha .. sometimes look like ling lung .. haha .. her habit sometimes same with varen , haha .. even , she not  follow all our trip but she include in this experience .. she not join us because she have collage at SG ,, so she can't leave her subject .. i understand that :D so , thanks already accompany us :* 

wow , thats all about my besties in our trip .. 
well , i will start our stories :D

its when 15/05/2011 we go to KL first :D 

in this holiday we  do not have any preparation . we only book hotel at genting thats it .. haha .. so , when we arrived at KLCC .. we dont know want to go where . so , we decide to stay in KLcc .. in last minute we confuse , we meet chinese people , they also from indonesia , they also want to go to SG .. so , god , you help us .. we join them to buy the ticket , we  asked people in klcc where we can get ticket to SG .. than we got it .. we got the ticket to SG ..
we use train .. ya ya .. the train ticket is 36 ringgit .. haha .. the train leaves 11:00 PM .. haha .. when we buy that ticket it's 2:00 PM .. its almost 9 hours again to wait the train .. haha .. so what we do for 9 hours ? .. the chinese family asked we to join them go to somewhere .. but we decide to stay in KLcc ..first we walk around the KLcc , we try prediction box . but its broken , than we take a picture together .. than you know guys, we stay in KFC for 9 hours :) we talk about our trip , friends , sharing about anything , eating , etc .. until 11:00 PM and we must go to SG :) wow .. i love this moment :)

predition box
prediton box

predition box

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