Jumat, 27 Juli 2012


Hello bloggers !! long time no see yaa .. 
I just wanna shared about my sadness to you .
She's gone and will never come back again .
My Grandma gone and i still can not believe it until today .
Although I'm not so close to her but I realized after her death I was very love her .I miss when she was angry with me . even sometimes i hate her . i hate her habit but i really love her .
I know when she was angry with me she is healty . 
When she did not scold people, I knew something was wrong with her . Maybe she is sick or something else And we are so worried about it .

My grandmother so saving and stingy 
I do not blame her. because she was ever poor. she had not anything.
She must keep the eleven children with his own energy .
She's super power woman I have ever met .

I remember last month she celebrated her birthday and all the family get together and really complete .
I do not know this is a sign or anything but oddly enough my aunt from jakarta have never attended a Birthday. but this time came . and she is so happy . I remember the look on his face when my aunt gave gifts.
She cried and my aunt cried also . 
That's a last memory with her .

We Miss You 
I hope you have a quiet place there and be happy .
Our heart will always with you .